The Douk-Douk is a traditional French folding knife that is completely metallic.
It is manufactured since 1929 by the cutlery «M.C.Cognet» in Thiers, Puy-de-Dôme, France.
The knife was designed by Gaspard Cognet, who incorporated at the same time an external engraving that was inspired by the representation of a "douk-douk", a spirit or mythological figure of Melanesia, in an encyclopedia.
The knife was mass-produced, in its beginning, for sale in the French colonies of Oceania.
The popularity of the douk-douk razor made him put it into service as a weapon when necessary. During the revolution led by the FLN between 1954 and 1962 in Algeria, douk-douk was used as a weapon of murder and terror; The Algerians who came into conflict with the FLN have removed their nose with the sharp knife. An open sheet can be easily converted into a useful fixed sheet by simply hammering the ends of the sheet. -Management of metal behind the crossbar of the blade, blocking the blade in the fully open position.